Saturday, December 18, 2010

What have I learned about leadership including Chilean miners written by: Scott Carrell

Unless you have lived in a cave, the world has observed the event with these poor guys, which develop wave trapped in a collapsed mine. As I met a few things saving be televised saw the me like a ton of bricks. I knew that I gratefully at home with my family. Be safe and healthy, enjoy the comfort that we sometimes take for granted. I thought how I would love to have these guys on my team. What an example of never giving up! The lessons of life here are very profound. So here are a few things I, lead from captured Chilean miners learned.

Well, the first thing you may have thought when you heard about the collapse, wow was a tragedy! I did with it. Then heard the rescue attempts and how you tap on the drill were something so that everyone above knows that you were still alive. Then the news reports that it several months to reach would take even. Then, my first thought was endurance. Now I know none of us are underground, stuck in a cave. Do you have this attitude? To persist regardless of the situation even if things look how you can go your way.

Then I thought about that Word believe. You believe what it or believe or what you want to insert Word. Are you? Had these workers believe team, rescue workers and the fact that it would be just fine in itself in your! One of the rescued miners was as follows quoted down there there it not 33 you 34. He said that God was with you. Now I want this to a religious discussion, but you believe in the things I just mentioned. At least know that it always greater than us. Have faith in yourself, your team, in which you enjoy process of improvement, and what bring whatever higher.

The last thing, the I thought that was perspective. Now if I was caught several hundred meters under the Earth, would I tried a bit on the negative side will be. Also not these heroes. Decided to look at it differently. Arose about their circumstances and took the opportunity to choose an inspiration to each other, and the group together and focused on the positive result. This is how you approach the development of yourself and your team. You focus on the negative or turning lemons into lemonade?

As you build your business and lead your team, keep in mind these brave men. They embody the properties having the great leaders. Not a network not only hundreds of meters underground compare marketing business caught but it is these qualities will lead the way to success. Endurance, believe and your perspective... the choice is yours!

From: Scott Carrell Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comFor of more training you need to with your home based business, successfully visit Receive a free copy of our eBook on personal branding for your company when you subscribe to our newsletter. Go now!

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1 comment:

  1. Nice blog!!! Leadership is less about your requirements, and all the more about the needs of the individuals and the association you are leading.
