Friday, December 24, 2010

12 Ways to celebrate progress written by: Kevin

Celebration is often a challenging issue for heads of State and Government. You questions when you should celebrate and when should you celebrate. Waffle between ?we need not celebrate, people know, we are Succeeding? and celebrate each individual, small thing on the way.

The best answer (as is the case often) lies somewhere in the middle.

Celebration is important and it can be overdone.

Conversation and dismay, is most generally about celebrate (or not celebrate) success. However, is the element of the celebration most forget celebrating progress towards a goal.

Why celebrate progress?

You should progress for two main reasons - focus and momentum to celebrate.

In the long projects or large objectives focus may be lost. People can be employed so that you miss the progress. You are so busy in the forest, you to miss the trees have just passed, or chopped down. If you see progress it helps renew focus while richitg team.

In addition the intangible dynamic that is so easily seen in the athletic world is just as real in your business or organizational activities. One way is dynamic in terms of progress to celebrate, to create and sustain on your goals.

So, the question is how you do it?

I have dozen suggestions here in two categories – the results components (basically what and when to celebrate) and separated the process components (how to actually celebrate). Let's get right to it.

Results components

Based on milestones.

To celebrate progress must know what progress you have made. Good project plan (which in itself is an article) will have connected milestones to it. See this in advance, and determine when potentially good celebration points. How to modify your plan it in real life and in real time can of course, but start with a celebration plan connected to the most important or strategic milestones.

Getting the group involved.

Have to let other people know when might require a celebration and get in the both the celebration involved in planning and execution. If people feel ownership will be real and meaningful. I claim not abdicate or total delegation, but on a collaborative process.

Be not shy.

It is to celebrate OK! Let people know how much you appreciate their efforts and progress.

Keep the celebration in perspective.

The celebration is progress and should be clearly specified. It is important that people know that you are not not.

Really celebrate.

Balance the previous point, a veiled attempt to make the celebration people to work harder. Each message that sniffs from ?we have made good progress, but it's time to double our Efforts? is seen cynical, and possibly negative impact on morale and productivity.


Let people know how much you appreciate their efforts and progress. If you it really aren't feeling may be better to delay the celebration until you do - or pick up a leadership position adjustment (another great article topic!).

Process components

Have you eat.

Whether a man's heart might very well through the stomach... and... any celebration is better food. Their situation will dictate as fancy or informal is there, but with food always makes a better celebration.

Make it an event.

It need not be large or complex, but there must be an event! People know when it is, and make make it a priority to include you. A celebration should be an event.

Remember where.

While your celebration anywhere you could do, progress is most often done celebrate if people are feeling, you still busy with work. Create must celebrate local that can balance people's ?keep Working? with the need to see for the celebration.

Do think, when.

When you celebrate really the demographics of your group, their customs and culture of the Organization will depend. She could check your party first thing in the morning, noon or, even after hours of the Office away. Using the wisdom and make the advice of others to this decision, rather than for your own personal preferences.

View gifts.

Gifts can be a great addition to your party. How about a T-shirt, a gift card or something else? Again, culture and preferences will here a role play - get gifts others so perceived as valuable (not just an another Cup of coffee or pen). Remember to ensure that the value of the gift is congruent with the point of progress.

Symbols are powerful.

Icons are really a form of gift, but perhaps with less utility. Plaques, certificates, or a hundred other things can strong memories of the appreciation and the progress that has been made.

Hopefully your parties of progress helps you more successful and meaningful make these 12 proposals. Note focus, if you are celebrating effectively used can create dynamic and more morale and productivity.

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From: Kevin Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comKevin is a best-selling author, speaker, trainer, consultant and the potential Director of Kevin Eikenberry Group (

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