Sunday, October 10, 2010

Let your friends, weird? Posted by: Rodney Gainous, Jr.

As a child, it is difficult, You?re not accepted by your colleagues. Most children, if not all, want to part of a group or Clique? always a group of children be, but because people can be cruel, there are different or funny labeled.

Called because you fit Don?t in with everyone else. You can be considered not cool, trendy or popular. And the truth, not to say They?re.Don?t to do what the other children are tun.Sie like everyone else.

But what about you?Call your friends weird you?You should do View1 things They?re unwilling to do and are different than the Norm.Ihre daily actions should be different then you and it should be out of the ordinary.

The word in the dictionary weird means strange or extraordinary nature.

I wonder are your actions and habits, strange, or the exceptional nature or are just like everyone else?

If your friends are reading sports and fashion magazines or romance novels or science fiction books, should a lot of personal development books lesen.Wenn your friends a government handouts in the form of a stimulus check search should work to have a profitable business.If your friends hurry home to watch your favorite TV show, you should cut you the TV and good content are your friends on the phone who Dole out the latest gossip for your blog to schreiben.Wenn should you with the movers and shakers networking in your industry.

Will do Shouldn?t, trendy or popular Shouldn?t are what everyone else do is.

Millionaires Aren?t trendy Leute.Sie set the trends and others follow.

See what you believe, is true, and if you think that the economy is bad and be You?re to fight.But if you think like a successful person, be looking for the opportunity, regardless of what the economy won't tut.Sie everyone else, and you will like a weirdo Act what is doing.

So the next time you want to fit in, DON?T, if It?s with a bunch of Millionäre.Dann and only then it will be in order, to comply with the Group down, run from the crowd are different, strange, a weirdo.

To your success,


From: Rodney Gainous, Jr.Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comTo learn more about Rodney Gainous, Jr. and get tips how successful in network marketing go to you how to run more and build like & trust factor with your prospects know go to. Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always written by: Martin Cornes

"Who you are or where you are coming is no matter." The ability to triumph begins with you. Always "-Oprah Winfrey"

It is truly amazing, how so many people are willing to concentrate on the performance of others!

Do we all it, isn't it?

Find itself to blame other people, other things, the weather, the news, neighbours, colleagues or anything else?

It is so well documented, particularly in the United Kingdom, that I could indicate it is now almost expected from us!

It is a way of life

What a terrible indictment on our way, our way of life and perception, must we give the outside world.

And there is hope...

Who says? I hear you say, well, me to boot and why not? there is always something you can do

There's a secret amongst those who know.

I'm going, share it with you, although you must promise to read the words and to consider as an option for yourself.

Not more and not less, only look at.

The reason is because we've all heard for the consideration, before, but chose this, can to it to ignorieren.Nachdem all - why should the odd one out be?

And here's the deal:
Although you start this thought deep in your unconscious mind can, embed, and even but can you actually start positive actions after this breakthrough...

Your conscious mind might still struggle with the concept for a while!(That's "even speak" element that is potentially you say this is just plain stupidity)

But you can overcome this practice...

OK here is that it is time...

"It who you are or where kommen.Die ability to triumph begins with Ihnen.Immer doesn't matter"

And of course that comes from the brilliant mind of not less than - Oprah Winfrey

So please consider it, then choose to believe it and then, to create actions will prove that to all you in the control itself in every possible way - the influence you will project is incredible!

But before you criticize debt and pass to your daily decisions, it would be far more impressive to know that you constantly re - programming and re - training you are the complete and premium version of itself, what could be whatever.

Trust me – I'm trying!

Best wishes

From: Martin CornesArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comMartin Cornes a professional trainer, erzielen.Er focused on personal performance for individuals and entrepreneurs who have a desire to speed up their plans for the future and dynamic results has 30 years experience of coaching and mentoring business owners and leaders of privately owned business to additional feature from - home | self improvement | leadership

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Given the benefits of team building activities: Landsy

Every team needs three main components: identity, a common goal and loyalty. Team building exercises are a simple way to promote these qualities. Of course you know that an organization is only as good as the people in it. Probably everyone on your payroll for certain Characteristics?a quality chose been you, or maybe a colleague who felt would improve and benefit your team.

Winds of change help to make the constructive exercises enhance the performance and loyalty of all your team members together. Remember to stay flexible, if in team building activities. Solutions, offered from your accountant can quite differently than the customer a leader, your job is to all, without always details below stuck überwachen.Sie may occasionally as a guide or intervene, but the end result should always promote identity, objectives and loyalty among employees will be involved, pleasant way.

Enjoy every organization of team-building Übungen.Egal busy like, all employees suffer a feeling of job stagnation Periodically?a feeling you'll move from and upwards or perhaps away from the company should.Team building activities help encouraging more room for creativity and loyalty among employees can overcome while this swamp.

Encourage employees through team building, look your jobs and your organization more than simple exercises discuss weekly to a means to the Überleben.Selbst similar success working to bring about a breathtaking change in attitude and dramatically change your culture!

By: LandsyArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comKnow more about team building activity author please visit our website at winds of change. Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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Developing the right attitude to support goal achievement written by: Kevin

Service providers are always looking for ways to become more successful; to achieve goals more quickly and with greater security. And for centuries have authors were the factors that help achieve someone share.

When you consider that performance and service providers, hopefully you would realize that a piece of objective performance puzzle is attitude.

Write in most objectives I have seen is always discussed, often downplayed and in the entire objective performance puzzle misunderstood, three good reasons, to explore the ?right ' attitude!

In this short article I will outline what is correctly set (to support maximum achievement), therefore it is important to us as individuals and leaders, and how to develop it.

So what's the right attitude? I'm glad that you asked.

Consider the three P's of the right goal performance setting:

Positive. This is where most of these discussions... start and stop.Prevailing wisdom and much research show that positive attitude improves the likelihood that you will achieve your goal accelerates your progress with one and, most importantly perhaps makes more resistant – all of which help overcome obstacles and remain persistent in pursuit of its goal.
Possibility. is the key to the possibility of believe.Do you succeed and reach the goal?Believe that we can earn? do you think that is possible? if you think it is possible for others, you can see it for us? this is more than just an extension of positive thinking. Finally, if you think, the goal was reached, are likely you work hard to achieve it?
Proactive. The correct setting is not think and alone glaube.Die correct setting includes realize you roll up your sleeves and do something.

How you act in the direction of your goals, go create dynamics, believe more and improve our attitude as we.

Helping all of this sounds pretty good, I know but what makes this the "right" attitude; or, in practice such as this attitude does the situation?

The correct setting enables the right behaviors - behaviors of persistence, discipline and creativity.
The correct setting allows right focus - stay mentally target and alert for ways.
The correct setting allows correct results - it improves the chance that your success in achieving your goals.

Practices, focus and Ergebnisse.Die right attitude can create all both for ourselves and those we do.

You know, and realize there is more than "just" positive mental attitude) relating to the target, you can what looks like the right attitude questions, how to create it?Another big question... here are some immediate steps-

(1) To the target.This is the start.Before you reach a goal, you need to know what it is.This sets all in Gang.Die size and all above three P's effects are type of destination.
2. Concerning those who will reach the goal.If you want others to believe, having goal you you include as much as possible.The right attitude comes easier if participants have the goal.
3. Create to remember more glauben.Menschen of past successes; you do this recognition and small successes on the performance Pfad.Wie, create a dynamic effect and the larger buoys think the attitude.
4. Get excited about the goal.This Fehlaussagen.Fokus goal isn't actually even, get yourself and others excited about the benefits, by achieving the goal.If you know why to do that (work) on a target to move, create the right attitude.
5. Take the objectives, Visual and lebendig.Helfen you people, the "find the objective under". While this has been said, it is entscheidend.Helfen your team that the image as real as possible to machen.Dann, when possible, remind people of this vision.
6. Goal at any time before halten.Haben a list of your goals, you often to read? have you "written" team goals or persons from multiple locations visually? open team meetings of people of objectives remember? if we we are reminded of objectives excited to reach, it manages our attitude and keeps is "right".

We all know, the right attitude wird.Jetzt make a difference know some reasons why, and how influence and maintain this view themselves, and who can lead you.

Once you get the attitude right, you will be your progress towards your goals fast forward!

Executives know that to be successful, you must achieve goals and help others to do the same! so many leaders from all over the world the remarkable leadership learning system of your choice as a skills at a time, one month at a time approach leading to more confidence and erfolgreiche haben.Dieses made unique system your secret weapon is more productive members and experts from a variety of fields and backgrounds ? all, that will help you be effective and successful View1 learn from others a more effective leader.

By: KevinArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comGet $ 748.25 value the leadership development materials including two free months this unique system as part of Kevin Eikenberry?s most remarkable free leadership gift ever, today in the is a best-selling author, speaker, trainer, consultant and the potential Director of Kevin Eikenberry Group ( Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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The eco-friendly Office: Part 1 written by: Tyler A Weaver

I worked in a Green Office for several years now, and sometimes it's easy to forget how far you've come the course for sustainability. Offices have a huge footprint and reduce its impact will a group performance, which ultimately will you save money and give something to be proud.

Have a process in place for reallocating excess supplies.

Whether printer cartridges, old Binder and a fax machine, have it keep you from the Deponie.Die most printer cartridges have programs with purchase of credits as an incentive return and have a process to a new life for these items. Also, set up a Board in the break room or on an intranet site that lists items that are no longer needed.

Places you are, for example, your Department have a box, the old reports in binders which otherwise, on the shelf full, space. Instead threw a total, recycle paper and to win on a list set the binders.Chances are that someone needs you.In addition to schools as the recipient of the excess, materials and supplies betrachten.Haben one employees, have your child you the task find out if their classroom use some materials could. anyone know children are already questions her parents perhaps when you have things at work for donation. You may be surprised with the results.

Carpooling in place and set up incentives for alternate transportation.

It is important to identify alternative transport with cars responsible for over 30% of our nation carbon emissions/greenhouse gases. Some countries have tax benefits for employees who drive hybrids to work or riding your bike to the Arbeit.Wenn this is not the case, take proposal, executives considering ziehen.Alles what to reduce the carbon footprint an effective step for travel to and from work.

Some possibilities include: ride share bulletin boards or VAT breaks/bike racks for cyclists, priority that is these dialogues at work for hybrids, Parkplatz.Erstellen really stand out and lead to better relations among employees help spawn creativity.Can even consider, proposes teleworking employees, this is becoming more popular as time goes on.

Be picky about power usage and consumption.

Lighting is of course important, but look at how you use it and if you could use it more effectively.Newer fluorescent lamps consume much less energy and even last mehr.Machen lights are an employee's responsibility to ensure, when leaves the last person for the day.

Energy savings in the long term more recognized, but are nevertheless very wichtig.Suchen is other than lighting, sure to disabled sind.Computer energy use created a lot of discussions fax machines and printers at night, but one thing to agree to the monitor at the very end of the day, if not the whole machine turn off.

The eco-friendly office begins with simple tasks such as such as reducing energy consumption and another big step in the right direction is to ensure that machines and lights disabled devising a plan to reduce the impact of commuting sind.Wir at the end of the day. Office waste reduction is a more attainable Ziel.Alle these habits save your Office money and get all think in a healthier direction.

So remember the eco friendly office begins with:
-Reduced lighting and energy use.
-A sustainable commuter reward program.
Comprehensive-A waste reduction program.

From: Tyler A WeaverArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comFree-Nachhaltigkeit-Bericht shows, how you at home easily achieve outstanding savings in little time can discover it here while it lasts: additional feature from - home | self improvement | leadership

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Use the f.a. to get anybody to do what you want at any time, every time posted by: Gabriel Angelo

In my last article I talked about ?the pickup artist Loophole? and describe to the system date, friendly assertiveness.

Now I?m that so you can develop on it do almost everyone what you want to ask friendly by friendly assertive I like to call it, instead of dominant aggressive.


If a foreign You? questions

(A.) in a dominant aggressive way ?Give me water! ?


(B)?Could, you give me water please?? in some friendly yet assertive

(Or heck even ?Could you please go across the room to get me a water? ?)

You are to ?which rather Note If to choose?

Probably threatened because you feel Didn?t aggressive choice B about losing dominance in choice A; Besides It?s hard someone who is friendly or otherwise it would be rude as a @ $ $ hole are perceived and people around you would also rude to reciprocate and avoid A, with disregard while in choice and that would respond you dominantly aggressive in trying to push ok would you.

There is never something wrong with friendly sein.In friendly case with you, she want you got finally what the water is.

Here?s another example from my life:

I was once behind the bar work, and there were 2 bartender which I had to do.

One of you had a way of communicating that truly was aggressive,

?Bring me over the bottle!?

I Didn?t care if he 10 years bartending throughout Europe since was, and he was the best, I was getting like ?Who the hell do you think you are??

The second bartender was friendly assertive, dominant under the radar, I like it, to describe

?Hey such as bring me the bottle??

The second bartender wanted me to do something but at the same time still I felt in the control, so I was rather with the request erfüllen.Der second bartender might even wonder me, take the garbage in the basement dumpster and then bring back a case of lemon juice and I to the more than the other bartenders met him although it more work required.

Weird, isn?t it?

You can call these aggressive behaviors, but natural human behaviour may be said, what to do, especially feel taken advantage.

What I like is to say, to the result control by you think and feel, will be in the control.

Many of the great natural leaders have this quality of quiet friendly drive is, how to get people to follow you, not the arrogant aggressiveness must feel dominant as a Dictator?as, ago nobody as said, I said to what to do and be claimed.

And combine that with friendly assertive and value what you lack.

If friendly connect ability combined with value to give to others what they lack, makes you feel prove to magnetically people come into your life and you Don?t have something to do.

By: Gabriel AngeloArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comGabriel Angelo is the author of "The art of social natural," the first of its kind book dealing with the social art not only too well with women, but building one cool Entourage with jeder.Die art taught not only entrusted, picking up women and dating - but the overall arching overall picture of the social dynamics, where he believes that this seduction community be or heading muss.Besuchen ask you for more information. Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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The illusion of greatness project security how-to on to the others by it project onto yourself posted by: Jose Carlos Pagan

If You?re that read this, maybe you are like me when I in the high school was shy, nervous, others say something about me, avoid confrontation, when possible, no social life pretty much for others might not be visible. Well, if the case keep read is, I promise You?re are going to learn something new and maybe help in any way. Wasn?t until later while I was at school I realized that I all together a natural leader who was born that I always had what it takes, I wanted to talk all girls and me more confidence than anyone I know. Today we are going to focus on an important point in the lead, the buildings, the illusion if you really think are something in your kernel, then you are exactly that.

So Let?s until towards it, are illusions all around us, all the time, if you read the newspaper or a magazine, on the night sky to see pain look and star, if you feel are all illusions. If you read a magazine and see the thumbnail, that as you think, you see an image are but what really see You?re you is a collection of colored points if together create the illusion of an image.If you look at the night sky and see the stars you might think that You?re, to see which you now are really as you but You?re just an illusion of what you in the past before many years waren.Wenn is your body to say that something is not right, but we can learn to tolerate pain.

So what does everything, what with your confidence to do? Now, confidence is just an illusion, the greater the illusion the greater confidence and security in itself, and the more you trust in yourself, the more others the same will do. If you say a lie is many times about it real how to want to be there, after you created by what you finally want an illusion real Stops? and the illusory reality. Basically it comes on a mental game; the strongest in this case is not the physically gifted, but with the most powerful spirit. What I want, that you do your mind is in to believe something that you want, and visualize yourself already have it and act with the security that it is yours to train. If you forge what you want and you want in your mind that really are, you start to believe and come true. In this case, the illusion from the inside out first believe it, then behavior as their real and others will follow. Confidence is contagious and those who know or at least believe in what They?re do follow people. Admire those people, who take for free that no matter what happens, control, peace and remain always believe that it is possible that you can handle it.Let?s to say are dealing with a difficult situation where everyone starts to lose your mind because It?s for Autoschlangen or intensiv.Sie increase the opportunity if you are not affected by your emotions and leave only analyze the problem at the objective level and try to find the solution to keep a cool head; that is, the illusion of control. Everyone else will see but person to follow the leader, and soon to be the situation under control when you transfer your confidence to the rest of the group.

This is a very important principle in leadership building itself, all mental obstacles on the way to visualize and safety break project want to yourself to others.And remember there's sometimes thin line between illusion and reality.

From: José Carlos PaganArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comIf, you like about this topic or to related matters know José Carlos pagan invites you to check out his blog, and navigating through a variety of different articles with videos and pictures on: if you would like to know more about this author and his background go to: Copyright (c).José Carlos pagan .all rights reserved worldwide. Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Three simple tips for bright new managers given: Coggno - Robin Green

Are you a new Manager? Your new starting point prove more difficult than you imagined. Suddenly have new tasks, the people around you, and you must learn to strike like to critical balances in your work policies and interpersonal relations. A LMS course can help, but some can simple methods.

Practice you to tolerance and think outside the box. Fails to make the new managers often is to try to change everything.Remember the way, just because the road that someone is doing something, not that, you would do it, doesn't mean that it is wrong ist.Entscheiden what value change and what is just different.

This leads to a second good practice for new managers and to prevent that everyone who responsible do you only to Manager promoted can have been might feel that you know everything is to know about your environment. However, you must still learn how to manage other people, so make sure those hear in your group and questions after you type when you need it.

Thirdly take, until the people know you verwalten.Selbst if you have worked for years in addition to these people, that is not necessarily you really know you. Find out what exciting or interesting for you, how to motivate, and as regards you can have.If you get to know you as individuals, be able to more effectively manage.

A recent survey showed that over half of absolutely no formal training before the start of the job get new managers.If you have a new manager proactively in your own training and transition process sein.durchsuchen the Web for tips for new managers or training on the Internet for your success in your new position search.

Select a course on an online learning platform like Coggno.Kostenlose courses include conflict into jobs and L19 influence an example negotiation presentation,. There are courses like 6 steps to a successful start as a new Manager for new managers, offers practical tips and strategies to the new managers to help successfully move into your new leadership role.

By: Coggno - Robin GreenArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comCoggno is a learning management - system - provider and online training Marktplatz.Artikel source: supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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Always a leader with leadership quotes posted by: Davoraldo

I like the definition of leadership by Reverend Michael D. Noonan at Wikipedia. It says that leadership "ultimately is a way for people who contribute something extraordinary happen." In my opinion this is the essence of the concept of leadership. Think about it. Heads of State and Government to create a way. You don't control. You not command. You are not annoying. Create true leaders a way so that their subordinates have the opportunity and the willingness in you something extraordinary happened to make. True leadership is the people you follow, because you want to. It's going to create and send casting the vision, the people in schools. To create a way means also, the extraordinary to reach people with all which help possible way out.

So is the lead not only know about the topic. It is a personal characteristic. Good leaders are however usually made and not born.Have the desire and the will power to an effective leader werden.Nur learn how to make a way for people to create.

A look at these can be captured by quotes and quotes on leadership.Here are some of my favorite lines:

?There go Menschen.Ich must follow you because I your leader. Alexandre Ledru-Rollin am ?

? Sun Tzu ?A Guide leads by example not by force.

?No man will do a great leader wants, make everything yourself, or all credit to get, for it. ? Andrew Carnegie

?Control not leadership; management is not leadership leadership is Leadership?? Dee Hock

?Most chefs know instinctively that makes your Employee?s compliance as Fernanda Bartolme ? on threats or sanctions. depends on

"We need the doors of opportunity open but we must give our people walk through these doors."Lyndon B. Johnson

Only learn to how to create a way for people.Make sure that your leadership efforts and energy to create you a way aligned sind.Ich do not pretend that it a simple task have not to be a genious or a superior knowledge of alles.Teilen authorize you your vision with people, and create the environment in which they thrive and achieve vision can. This is the leadership.

By: DavoraldoArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comDavoraldo invites you to visit quality citations and Sprüche.Wenn you above have promoted from the article, to develop your leadership skills leadership quotes could @ quotes Hat a good start View1 can also other categories of quotes and sayings on the website search. enjoy the quotation marks! Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Are the appropriate choice choose? Posted by: Jaime Jones

?There are two primary ways in life: to accept conditions as you or take responsibility for changing them. ? - Dennis Waitley

Recently I was an exceptionally long, slow moving security line at an airport. You'd believe that ?long and slow Moving? part more would be something I would be so deaf to the procedure. There are certain isn?t, but this day, practically everything about ?long and slow Moving? part days was an issue with me. When I was apparently inching along my way, I happened behind me looking for what had to be a fraction of a second. It took one or two moments register, but my brain told me that something only wasn?t pretty ?normal? regarding, what I saw. Now, we all have this setting. You want what your eye - gaze, but want to be Don?t also striking, eh?Show that Don?t caught something - or even worse jemand.So I did absolute best not apparently casual personally the head behind me and it was pretty clear why I order again wanted to search.

There stand was a childish child in the age of ten or so. Look at his representation, would you believe he was a commercial child for a Norman Rockwell painting - red curly hair, freckles, and all. He saw me in with its instantly contagious smile and if our eyes met only said ?Howdy Pardner! Welcome ? he confirmed my whole Bredäng, and thats when I confirmed that this was not only a few normal child. Much to my great surprise 2 titanium legs ran both his Nike sneakers protruding from the top. As if this weren?t sufficiently, get my announcement there not something below his left elbow, where his arm ?supposed? was his. Now, ambled we together for quite a while this line before I the courage could collect questions where him he was headed.He told me with he traveled to his grandmother in Missoula, Montana, for a week to see he asked him gehen.Ich what to do until it was planning and he said he hope, some fly-fishing and ATV riding with his Grandpa do. Unexpectedly, the security line Didn?t seem so long.

Before he went his way, and I I went I asked finally him if he had any idea how many individuals on a daily basis angeregt.Ich could from his answer say he was too modest much and innocent knowing what I was question. Therefore only said ?Well, one today is certainly entitled. Have a fantastic trip and catch some lunkers. ? to

See it dawned on me that has this young MAN to handle more questions, before he get up every day gets as I had on this world in my whole 56 years haben.Was was so obvious that he wasn?t about his situation to tolerate, passed as you. It was very obvious that he previously the obligation for taking his conditions and the State and determine what HIS REALITY what had been accepted by GOING TO BE. What a great lesson!The lessons are each and every day when we are open to see how you around us.

And what about us?Are the decisions we make in our career?It?s funny when you think about the truth, that the only choice we Don?t to have Let?s is not decisions to make. choose wisely.

By: Jaime JonesArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comWant more advice for getting ahead knowing? check out American income life insurance company at & find helpful tips for excelling at work and its potential to achieve. Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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31 Characters are you A thought leader posted by: Dr. Sarah Eaton

The phrases "Pioneer" and "thought leadership" seem to be everywhere today. What is exactly a thought leader?

It is difficult, because the phrases "Pioneer" and "thought leadership" new and trendy."Stickiness", which means that you stay around for a long time, may even be part of our every day Vokabular.Ich think these sets have the "stickiness" and we have some phrases to see you around for a long time.

It is of course an other Frage.Sind you a thought leader?

Here are a few thoughts on what I think characterizes thought leaders:

1. Thought leaders are less of a title or a job; they are so named because of who you are and how you think and feel.
2. Thought leaders think deep problems; you think through from beginning to end and deeply to understand the problems.
3. The thinkers "go talk", to a point pontificate.
4. Thought leaders communicate your thoughts; not only hold inside.
5. The thought leaders are eloquent, clear Kommunikatoren.Keine Wandern.Keine separate Gedanken.Sie know how the point to convey.
6. Thought leaders generously sharing their ideas and knowledge.
7. The thought leaders are brave enough to share your thoughts despite criticism.
8. Thought leaders are smart enough, to others challenged can be and also challenge their own assumptions.
9. Thought leaders influence how others think and what you believe.
10. The thought leaders inspire confidence; it demand.
11. The thought leaders are trendsetters and idea Shaper.
12. The thinkers have excellent reputation or build an excellent reputation as go along.
13. The thought leaders are passionate, but not intrusive.
14. The thought leaders are forward thinking.
15. The thought leaders are innovative.
16. The thought leaders are confident, but not cocky.
17. The thought leaders are sincere.
18. The thought leaders are binding.
19. The thinkers take a stand.
20. The thought leaders are consistent with your message.
21. The thinkers, the others to think about new ways and new things to try challenge.
22. The thought leaders can sound like a broken record freigeben.Sie same message in multiple ways.
23. The thinkers have Langlebigkeit.Sie are not "here today and tomorrow gone".
24. The thought leaders are mitfühlend.Sie understand the human condition and feel it deep in your soul.
25 Visionaries are threats, make a difference.
26. The thought leaders believe in the possibility of transformation.
27. The thought leaders believe in other potential.
28. The thought leaders are lifelong learners; constantly learn and enjoy it.
29. The thinkers have charisma not because of a big smile or chiseled features, but because they offer something fresh and new.
30. Thought leaders are forward focused, so the past to inform but not hinder your thoughts.
31. The thought leaders have an innate sense of hope about the future.

While the phrases "Thought leaders" and "thought leadership" may be new such leaders during existiert.Sie demanding history have in a new way to think and to embrace the future.

By: Dr. Sarah EatonArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comDr.Sarah Elaine is a writer, researcher and Berater.Sie graduated earned leadership from the University of Calgary, Canada, where she worked and Dr. Eaton about your work in 7 countries and 2 languages studied represented since 1994.Internationaler speaker, consultant leaders in education and business in a consulting and coaching Rolle.Check also works as trusted out your blog at additional feature from - home | self improvement | leadership

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Black belts are not only for karate of posted: Craig B Calvin

Organizations need good leadership as the Six Sigma black belt. This team leader take full-time responsibility verge, all project improving processes within the company. This special trained leaders are taught by six sigma specializes the methods, procedures and tools, change management,.

Sigma black belts are always training to improve your skills. You are constantly by master black belts taught as the science of greenery.All six sigma black belt candidates must subject mastery prove if written Abschlussprüfung.Diese quality training and experience a work in progress, together with a you when filling out the hand of the projects to reach black belt, the level of the master

Black belt Six Sigma training, have have a number of good very valuable traits.Features such as customer advocacy, knows the importance of the customer of the final judges over quality and Service.Andere is characteristics as is passionate about the task in hand, with initiative and a positive attitude or guide or agents of change and encourage these changes where it is necessary and is trainers and mentors and provides effective communication skills, always a very clear message to the intended target specialized. Other valuable model traits would include understanding all new business practices; able to fully accomplish each project, a team player/leader; able to heavily refined technical aptitude; data analysis quickly with and have always a fun passion about the expected results at the core of the job do.

Good black belt candidates must also have these qualities.Trust, integrity, deep process expertise, diverse work experience, advanced thinking and Six Sigma know, other quality control procedures and skill sets as ISO is highly desirable.

Some of the things that can sabotage a successful black belt training project occurs if your Six Sigma black belts receive no support from their champion or sponsor, there are not enough or even no green spaces in your program, your mentor or master black belt is too busy to mentor, there is very little interaction with other six sigma staff or senior management hands projects with the result that already decided.

From: Craig B CalvinArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comThere is a ton, you can learn from six sigma-black belt, the Ausbildung.Zwischen and green belt six sigma there is nothing you cannot process. Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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Call - you build it every day posted by: Servantleader

During my youth, my father (a 20-year air force veteran) used to say born ?You with only a surname are, you have to work hard to protect your Reputation?. This was to remember the good advice. The same goes with your professional reputation.

Building and maintaining your reputation can be one of the hardest tasks ever take you in attack. Why? Because every day is your reputation, it is not only a static event. Furthermore, consistent execution is a day in and day out basis for each task a challenge.Only a few are so important how your Ruf.Es is important to realize that your reputation is what others you believe what you believe about themselves.

Almost everyone knows the high profile visibility around the slopes of Robert Moffat, former SVP of IBM and Mark Hurd, ex-CEO of Hewlett Packard.Everyone had the reputation of being squeaky clean, treuesten and two of the most effective leaders at a Fortune 50 Unternehmen.Beide lost their jobs in disgrace. Hubris and poor judgment effectively ended her public career.

Hats, let you spoil a proud Act or even a lifetime of building ruin your reputation, currently a litmus test appear no matter how harmless kann.Als if you are not ready, your mother who read about it have on the cover of the Wall Street Journal, are likely to risk of the exercise bad judgment.People and companies have long memories.The advent of technology and social media can be increased awareness of a bad decision easy.

A good reputation can higher purpose in life, personally and reputation attracts positive attention professionell.Ein, and you can inspire others too well to machen.Nie a reputation can be purchased; it can only earned werden.Eine person with a reputation must not care what others, about you think speak for their deeds louder than words.
Go and do something good for yourself and others today.

By: ServantleaderArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comWayne Rampey is Vice President of InSource group, an IT recruiting and staffing agency in Dallas, TX. contact info: 972.881. 1313. Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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Eight supportive behavior each coach (and anyone) should use written by: Kevin

Questions of ten people, and opportunities to describe the best coach, saw are seven or more will mention support in any way. Underline and highlight this fact in your personal thinking about coaching.

The best trainers are supported.

To know and accept that one thing ist.Zu know the idea what that means and able to identify and supporting behaviour is something else entirely. and this is the point of this article: identify and explain some specific behaviors that will help you support others.

Eight supportive behaviors

Work. As a leader or supervisor do not everyone's work to be done or work for you. You must, of course, delegate and empower others to do their work.And yet as a leader have a feeling of the Mitverantwortung.Sie itself (and the team needs to see you) as part of the team. While your role may be different, they are still a part of the team. If you see for yourself and others act as part of the team feel supported in their actions. Remember, that delegation is not the same as abdication, and as such must be as people see.

Help/assist. Along this same line help others if we are willing to create yourself. My oldest and best experience with this concept is thanks to my father.Raised on a commercial pig farm meant that there are always some (very) unpleasant jobs logs.these done many occasions, I remember me, given these disgusting jobs while Dad was away, at a meeting or other farm-related companies tend to be. In almost every case, if he returned while I have the unpleasant task, he made changed his clothes and a Pitchfork or shovel collected. Possibly lead a team, the tasks has not directly. If this is the case, you can still support. Find out what you can do to help, especially if the timeline is short and the work is long.

Empathize. To empathize is to understand how the other person feels. One of the most important things you can ever do is let people know that you understand, how you are feeling. May disagree with their perspective, you can even think there actions you might have taken to avoid the situation you find yourself in now (those points for staff can be coaching in due course).But legally empathizing is one of the supportive things you can do for another person or group.

Recognize someone's value. I suspect that your kids always show not behaviors which you approve, but we all will love our children. And think about it, even small children can tell the different between their behavior and their intrinsic value.If you support people who let you know to appreciate you as an individual you Sie.Wenn you have feedback on performance, it is from important to separate performance, who you are. We are supported, if we take care of people and show it (and not only say it that).

Your goals and interests to recognize. People are more than your job on the performance. If you strengthen something about people know interests and long-term objectives, you can often help to support the achievement of these objectives and interests. This is total freedom to do what you want on the job about the people. On the contrary, are other supportive if they help you successfully in your current job - and help you to achieve your personal and professional goals.

Hear. The most supportive things, that you (can do for each) belongs to hear really. This is true even if you're in any position of power (or perceived).Stop what you are doing. Remove the Ablenkungen.Sei still and listen. When you hear show you appreciate your feelings and opinions. When you hear you communicate that you care. This may be so basic, but it is so powerful.Why? Because most people reported that you heard only seldom really are.Still, if someone really actively listen most takes, it is this person who hear our leader or supervisor is a meaningful and memorable Gespräch.Wenn it is even more supportive and powerful.Forget the power of listening, especially if you are in a position of power or with the other person influence.

Give positive feedback.Want to be more solidarity? tell people, more often, what you do well and what you're doing.Almost none know this kind of feedback often hear genug.Fast everyone I know has a story about a specific piece positive feedback received in your life – often in their distant past.Ask people to tell their stories.How powerful you will be able to in your words and your eyes say and supporting specific and real positive feedback can.

Create positive Austausch.Wissen, who enlighten... seem to the room if you leave?This is the chance, I'm talking here! make it your goal every conversation, Exchange and encounter with you the other person in the general sense of good or better about themselves, their situations and/or live lässt.Dass statement a benchmark which is very hard to live up to; but may make it your goal, can be more supporting persons.

If you issue these behaviors in a real authentic you can promote and assist people to the best not sein.Ist goal of coaching anyway?

Executives know that you have effective trainer to succeed his müssen.deshalb many of these leaders from around the world made the remarkable leadership learning system of your choice as a skills at a time, one month at a time approach to more confidence and erfolgreiche leader haben.Warum? da coaching an integral part of the computer.This program system by other members and experts from a variety of fields and backgrounds ? can help everyone to learn are a more effective leader.

By: KevinArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comGet, more than $ 748.25 value the leadership development materials including two free months this unique system as part of Kevin Eikenberry?s most remarkable free leadership gift ever, today in the is a best-selling author, speaker, trainer, consultant and the potential Director of Kevin Eikenberry Group ( Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Four leadership (and life) lessons from a water park, written by: Kevin

I have other types of rides and a full water park yesterday with my family on Michigan of adventure, an amusement park with rides.

My family chose the day in the water park to verbringen.Da I in a tube to journeys sat, placed in a Chair in the Sun or shade, let the waves crash on me in the wave pool and lazy that drove down river, I was just, what was going on around me.

And as you might expect - I found many lessons for all of us as Führer.Ich thought I'd share four of you with you:

People will work hard for the right reward.

The picture above shows people the great Rohre.Jeder holds 2-3 persons and weighs probably about 60 pounds.People wear those tubes until a long touch and multiple sets of stairs, so you back down in line for a short (but very funny) wait ride can I did this mir.It readily several times made me think about the number of people that usually never that would work hard physically, you do with the right end result so readily.

Lesson: You want to influence people you think how you will benefit from the effort to first. If personal use large enough, have great success!

Planning is (important).

I was amazed at the number of people who seemed to be ill prepared for a day, in the water and to many Leute.Warum a woman would an expensive purse to work hard to keep it dry lazy Riverside, wear?I carry no purse, but it seems to me, with a little planning, it provides many other options gibt.Ein were safe? A smaller waterproof bag? Leave it in the car? This may be no perfect example could but I also all the people, the unique sunscreen required. Bring you all?

Lesson: In most areas of life planning help you.Whether you're a Scheduler by nature or not, spend some time (even if only a few minutes) planning, most successful, especially for events and situations, to be important to you.

Dressing for success is under rated.

As a young professional my boss made me dress for success to read.While some may now outdated and dress codes get much more relaxed in general the specifics of this book (which is a whole other post), questions always nor the point.I know you're thinking "There is a dress code for the water park?"Not really, except shoes are required in certain areas, but wearing black pants and shirts in 90 + degree heat seems not very successful to me.

Lesson: Perception is a bit more carefully about what you in every situation enter a Rolle.Denken.You don't need to be a Fashionista but how you dress makes a big difference and contributes to your success.

Contrarian thinking is charged.

If your goal in an amusement park is to maximize the rides, you must minimize your waiting time.We entered the reasons and went straight to the Wasserpark.Andere joined extension lines for the roller coasters to "wait the opt it was hot to hit the water park".We had to wait about 10 minutes for the water park to open, but could it fahren.War immediately with no waiting as hot as it was in the middle of the day? No.Aber it was much later in the day when all enjoy warm water lines for water rides booth were the coaster lines very shortly (though we have decided in this way head).

Lesson: Sometimes it's worth you upstream of common gehen.Denken thinking about your goals and work there, instead of simply go with belief and action.

Ultimately our goals have been met - fun, Sun, many journeys and big time with the family. whether you are the water park or walk in the executive boardroom - if you follow these proposals more success have.

The best managers know you must be continuous learners and learning from anywhere at any time, may be even a water park. That?s why many leaders from all over the world the remarkable leadership learning system of your choice as a skills at a time, one a time approach to more confident and successful leader made system developed haben.Dieses, to help you to be a more effective leader and allows you, by other members and experts from a variety of fields and backgrounds to learn it.

By: KevinArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comGet, more than $ 748.25 value the leadership development materials including two free months this unique system as part of the most remarkable free leadership gift ever Kevin?s today at is a best-selling author, speaker, trainer, consultant and the potential Director of Kevin Eikenberry Group ( Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Search for the Holy Grail of work-life balance posted by: Kevin

Only come from a holiday gives me a good chance to think, work-life balance.

As leaders and achievers is an issue which often discussed in workshops and casual Gespräche.Menschen are so busy and feel moved in so many directions, that you find hard this idea of work-life balance.

Let us begin with three truths about this topic, then share some strategies with which to move the work-life balance, want.

Three truths

Judgment gets in the way. A work-life balance challenge is that most people dealing with guilt and judgment.Many lives in a country of "should" - should do that, make a more this new book lesen.Und, call next report, at the same time, should you home, you should spend time with your spouse, friends, children, etc. And the verdict is not all - it expanded, real or imagined, to others in your life. Colleagues question me, when you get something done, while people in the rest of your life wondering when will home. All these judgments, internal and external, real and imaginary, to obtain the balance you are looking for.

Work-life balance is not static.A mistake is thinking can find work-life balance, as it a "thing" or a "place" ist.finden a book or a new couch. You achieve a goal. Work-life balance is not the physical or permanent, which means that it the variable. Such as load balancing a scale your time and focus will shift necessarily more strongly one way, then the other, based on situations and circumstances. You can reach apply a balanced place, for more than a short time is folly.

There are no perfekte.Ihr credit is not static, and it isn't perfekt.Wenn considering that work-life balance is a a healthy approach have it to be journey. Gets during judgment in such a way, so compares. People seem often to have the views of others, to the ?ideal ' balance and try to emulate. This is an error because your credit must be based on your values (more on that in a second) and your needs. You can reach your perfect, by emulating someone else.

Four tips

Focus on values.The best place to start of your work-life balance is found with your values. Your balance will be defined by their values. You value most in the course of time who thought most of your time and energy should occupy the things.Once you are clear on their values, you can do your activities and the time you zuordnen.Wenn, your ability to understand your perfect balance become clearer and therefore easier to achieve.

Exist.Balance is not about the raw number of Stunden.Es comes to be present where you are at all times.If you are home, are on your laptop or worry about communicating with and with whom you interact?If you are at work, focus on your work or check your eBay listings? there is A large portion of the balance, in real time, in every situation to sein.Nicht only this help, you will be more balanced, it allows more satisfied with the moments of your life.

Avoid unnecessary activities.A convenient way to find more balance is taking things from your calendar not important or necessary sind.Wie with your calendar more ruthless get, get back more time devoted to a part of your life, you want.Make your calendar and what you can to eliminate more time for your most important things.

Feedback.Eine is get way to stay on the trip people in your life questions as you think, do your work life Balance.Ihre perspective, especially the most important people in your life, is to help you, from getting too far off track one direction or another be valuable.

Work-life balance is a topic that is worthy of your ongoing reflection and think.

This article does not solve all your problems balance but hopefully gives you ideas and think as you, continue on your personal path to your perfect balance.

Know the best executives balance find a reason why many leaders from all over the world the remarkable leadership learning system of your choice as a skills at a time, one a time approach to more confident and successful leader made can system haben.Dieses. That?s learn without travel and access your learning materials when it works best for you.

By: KevinArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comGet, more than $ 748.25 value the leadership development materials including two free months this unique system as part of the most remarkable free leadership gift ever Kevin?s today at is a best-selling author, speaker, trainer, consultant and the potential Director of Kevin Eikenberry Group ( Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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Six Sigma champions posted by: Craig B Calvin

Master assigned to successful six sigma, a hybrid savvy politician and an old fearless warrior compared. But, as with every other thing the extreme is sometimes hard to find. This is usually the case for the search for a full six sigma champion. Excellent diplomacy and a warrior heart is exceptional, but these champions are mediation and rules implementation games at the top of the business, operations interface, project selection, tempo. Only the best can claim this title.

Champions must know that your business from top to bottom. The really good to know the technology used in the process. While black belts are the experts in process project questions, the champion must refrain unasked oversee the operation and solutions.One of the primary roles is the six sigma champion, ensure that the operational levels with strategic business objectives aligned reviews should sind.Projekt done with this in mind and be used as a tool to micromanage black belt.

Six Sigma project selection or the basic task of picking a project and implement it caused to respond champions sometimes like deer in headlights. The problem surfaces on, if a six sigma champion must match a project a black belt. Differently than the human factor that emerges in all decisions the fault seems nobody have really figured out why this is such a difficult decision to make.Many masters seem career limiting this decision as a rather as opportunity for improving the part of the process have anzuzeigen.Sechs Sigma provider business to improve the upper tier interaction with operations to smooth level people about this shaky situation. Alignment in thinking is the key from top to bottom, to succeed.

At the beginning of the Six Sigma deployment, one or more persons are selected to the plan, with many organizations, the choice of internal specialists to handle the job is reason typically cost to implementieren.Der. The paramount concern of the responsible person should successfully roll out and nothing more. An external consultant, roll out six sigma selected may be more sure how much money you stand to instead of what will benefit the organization.

Unless the internal sponsor is very knowledgeable about six sigma deployment is most commonly of doomed. deployment plans, the best works consist of an internal experts and six sigma provider.A good constructed plan will be the objectives, specific objectives that are designed to increase customer satisfaction and a beloved position in the business world.Another plan error results when the only concern deployment ist.Sechs Sigma master are completed in the middle of the deployment and skillfully choose key figures and enthusiastically watch your decision making.

From: Craig B CalvinArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comUtilizing is incredible six sigma training someone at the head of the Pack to setzen.Six Sigma is the best way forward. Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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Tom Peters

What is RSS?
RSS is an easy way for you to keep updated automatically on websites you like. Instead of having to go to websites to see if they've written a new article or feature, you can use RSS (slang defined as 'Really Simple Syndication') to get them to tell you every time they have something new.

How can I make use of RSS?
You need to get hold of a program called an RSS Reader or an aggregator. It will display RSS information feeds from all your chosen websites in one place.

How do I get a News Reader?
There are a range of different RSS Readers available. Some are built for PCs or Macs, and others are web-based.

Several free newsfeed readers are available including:

NetNewsWire - for the Mac
Feed Demon - for the PC
Google Reader - a web-based free newsfeed reader.

Or see the list provided by Wikipedia

How can I sign up for the "Tom Peters Dispatches Blog" RSS feed ?
A link to the RSS feed is located at the top of this page, where the is located. Follow the instructions for your particular News Reader in order to add this XML feed to your RSS list.

I only want to read about a few of the topics Tom covers. How do I do that?
You can subscribe to feeds by subject matter. Each post Tom or his guests write is labeled by topic category. A list of categories can be found in the left column of the site (Announcements, Blogging, Brand You, etc.). Next to the name of each category, you'll see the letters XML. Click on XML and follow the instructions for your particular News Reader in order to add this XML feed to your RSS list.

Please direct all technical questions to the info (at)

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Leadership in the Real World Blog

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Contact us about project management and leadership development Call us toll-free to reserve a date for your event I've become a major fan of Dev Patnaik's book Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy I'm looking forward to interviewing Dev tomorrow for an upcoming People and Projects Podcast episode.

Don't wait for the interview--get the book now and start reading.

While prepping for the interview I came across what I expect to be my favorite quote for this entire month, from a recent article Dev wrote for BusinessWeek.

The quote is credited to Stanford University engineering professor Jim Adams who said, "Good companies reward success, punish failure, and ignore inaction. Great companies reward success and failure and punish inaction."

This hits on a common theme in both my interview with Michael Roberto about his book Know What You Don't Know: How Great Leaders Prevent Problems Before They Happen and in my discussion with Ralph Heath, author of Celebrating Failure: The Power of Taking Risks, Making Mistakes and Thinking Big: we too often seek first to punish failure instead of learn from it.

Yet the even greater wisdom of the quote has to do with how we deal with inaction. You be the judge. How have you seen inaction most often handled?

Tolerated? Expected? Ignored? Seriously. How many times have you said, "I thought of that years ago!" as someone makes money off an idea you had in the shower but went down the drain because you didn't take action.

"Punish inaction."

Do you want to excel at delivering projects and leading teams? Take those strong words to heart today. And don't just consider the inaction of those on your teams and the stakeholders you work with.

You and I both need to look in the mirror to consider the inaction that has been holding us back.

Do you want to make big things happen this year? Reward success. Enthusiastically learn from mistakes. And develop a disdain for inaction.

P.S. Have you still not taken action on getting a copy of Dev's book? :) Labels: accountability, Books I Love, executives, innovation, learning, managing stakeholders, mistakes, podcast, project management, teambuilding, teams

posted by Andy at 1:52 PM  

0 comment(s)  

If you're like me, there are a lot of books you'd love to read but they just seem to stack up in a pile of good intentions. I don't consider myself a fast reader and I can honestly say that I don't particularly enjoy reading.

But this I know for sure: leaders are learners.

And one very beneficial way to further your learning is to fill your mind with books and other resources that will teach, challenge, and encourage you to be more effective and make a greater impact on your career, family, and the world.

I'm often asked after keynotes and workshops for a list of recommended books. I have recently added a page on our website with book recommendations that I invite you to visit! Labels: Books I Love, leadership, learning, project management

posted by Andy at 5:32 PM  

0 comment(s)   I'm spending the entire week next week with a group of aspiring leaders. They have answered the call of their organization to step up to a leadership role. In addition to more pay, they will also receive many opportunities to make a real difference for their organization.

And most of them are clueless to the challenge ahead.

The truth is that being a leader can be difficult work. It's easy to sit back and criticize someone in a leadership role. I try to remember that when I'm tempted to complain about national political leaders. It's completely different when you are in the chair, at the table, and the decisions rest with you. Leadership is, indeed, not a popularity contest.

Do you really want to be a leader? It's a good question to ask as we start a new year.

The Wall Street Journal had a thought-provoking article on the topic recently. It's worth reading if you have intentions on increasing the scope of your responsibility.

Serving in a leadership role is a tremendously rewarding experience. And it is hard work. I look forward to both inspiring (and sobering) my aspiring leaders next week!

What's your take? Do you remember what expectations you went into your role with? Has it been more challenging than you thought? Send me an e-mail with your thoughts! Labels: conflict, executives, leadership, managing up, uncertainty, work/life balance

posted by Andy at 6:11 PM  

0 comment(s)   I know, I know... everybody knows that PowerPoint is all too often abused. Though we are aware of the crime, death by PowerPoint remains way too commonplace in everyday corporate life. This slide show at CIO Magazine's website is a good reminder for us all.

John Medina's book Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School does a great job of explaining why good slide manners matter. Get his book, but also check out the "Vision" video on his website.

My observation: the problem isn't just poor slide design. It often starts with a misunderstanding of how to architect an effective message. I watched a video that a friend posted on YouTube to talk about a company that his organization will be partnering with in 2010. It wasn't clear to me whether he was targeting the video for existing customers, prospective customers, or people who want to buy into his franchise idea.

On Monday Night Football this week, IBM paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to show a couple of their Smarter Planet ads, such as this one. Though I find the ads intriguing, it led to an equally intriguing discussion with some friends and family: what is it that IBM actually does these days? I could answer that 25 years ago. Today? I'm not as sure.

To whom are they targeting that ad? Is it worth the cost? The smart minds behind the Smarter Planet initiative clearly think so. I'm not as convinced, based on the discussion around our munchies Monday evening.

My point: whether it's a presentation, a video, an e-mail, a marketing piece, or any other communication, start with the basics: who is my target audience and which of their problems am I addressing? How can I best communicate how we address those problems?

If you can't clearly answer those initial questions, it really doesn't matter how slick (or sick) your PowerPoint slides (or video or....) looks. The message will get lost in the fog.

Do you have a favorite abuse of PowerPoint (or video or web page or....)? Send me a pic or link! Here's to your success communicating today! Labels: communication, influence, marketing, presentations

posted by Andy at 7:51 AM  

0 comment(s)   For the record, just having a job these days is a blessing!

But since I get the privilege of working with project managers and other leaders, I was pleased to see that IT Project Managers ranked #5 on CNN/Money Magazine's Best Jobs in America survey.

PM's certainly didn't show up on the list for lowest stress, as any of my project manager colleagues can confirm. Yet the job track of Project Manager continues to be a good career investment.

Are you still procrastinating on getting your PMP certification? If so, check out my overview of how to get your PMP. Invest in your career by getting your PMP in 2010.

P.S. If you're willing to take less money, be a College Professor that teaches project management! Professors hit #3 on the overall list (and #3 on the Least Stressful list). The fact that Education/Training Consultant showed up #1 on the Least Stressful list makes me wonder about the validity of the survey, but I digress. :) Labels: career, PMP certification, project management

posted by Andy at 1:37 PM  

2 comment(s)  

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Friday, October 1, 2010

The Leadership Advantage

This incident happened recently in North Texas.

A woman went boating one Sunday taking with her some cans of coke which she put into the refrigerator of the boat. On Monday she was taken to the hospital and placed in the Intensive Care Unit. She died on Wednesday.

The autopsy concluded she died of Leptospirosis. This was traced to the can of coke she drank from, not using a glass. Tests showed that the can was infected by dried rat urine and hence the disease Leptospirosis.

Rat urine contains toxic and deathly substances. It is highly recommended to thoroughly wash the upper part of soda cans before drinking out of them The cans are typically stocked in warehouses and transported straight to the shops without being cleaned.

A study at NYCU showed that the tops of soda cans are more contaminated than public toilets (i.e).. full of germs and bacteria. So wash them with water before putting them to the mouth to avoid any kind of fatal accident.

Please forward this message to all the people you care about.

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Leadership. Now.

by Steve Tobak - September 21, 2010 9:10am PDT

Dysfunctional, incompetent, and a**hole are not the exclusive domain of managers. That knife cuts both ways; more often than not, the problem is the employee.

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Creating an Ideal Life While Wearing a Tiara

My mom is cool. Not in the way that celebrity moms like Madonna or Teri Hatcher are cool, but in the more normal—“I don’t need millions of dollars to make me cool”—cool. So cool that my teenage daughter actually wants to go to her house for the weekend just to hang out.

My daughter thinks my mom is cool because they watch TV, shop and go to the beach together, and they both giggle at the silliest things. I also think my mom is cool, but for an entirely different reason.

She loves me unconditionally, and I know it. I ended up going to business school, entering the corporate world and eventually starting a company. I know that she would love me just the same if I had gone to beauty school and worked in a salon, or if I had decided to pursue an acting career.

If you ask her, she’ll tell you that she was a terrible mother. From the time I was in grade school, she was a single parent of three kids. We were alone after school because she had to work full time. We didn’t go on vacations; we didn’t have a lot of new clothes and other stuff; we didn’t get our own cars when we turned 16. If we wanted to go to college, we had to pay for it ourselves. When we turned 18, we had to move out of the house. Of course when we were teenagers, we thought she was the Queen of All Evil.

But she loved us unconditionally, and we knew it. We may not have wanted to admit it, but we knew it. And it’s made all the difference, at least for me. I’ve learned to trust my own instincts, and to believe that I can handle anything. I know that no matter what I do, there’s at least one person who’ll tell me I did a great job.

I’m lucky I had such a terrible mother. If you didn’t have a mom like mine, you’ll have to learn to give yourself unconditional love. Easy for me to say, right? Try it:

Set up your start-up screens (computer, mobile phone, etc.) to give you some love. When I turn on my phone, I see, “Greetings, O Great and Powerful Queen!”Go to and send yourself some love. You can pick the card, create a message, and set it to be sent on whatever date in the future you want. Why not send a “You’re So Great” card to yourself every month? Recruit a friend to be your fountain of unconditional love. Set up a daily, weekly, or monthly date to get together and pat each other on the back.

So thanks, Mom, for being so cool. I hope that I’ll be as terrible a mother as you are. However, I’m not sure I can carry off a birthday cake hat as well as you can.

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