Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tom Peters

What is RSS?
RSS is an easy way for you to keep updated automatically on websites you like. Instead of having to go to websites to see if they've written a new article or feature, you can use RSS (slang defined as 'Really Simple Syndication') to get them to tell you every time they have something new.

How can I make use of RSS?
You need to get hold of a program called an RSS Reader or an aggregator. It will display RSS information feeds from all your chosen websites in one place.

How do I get a News Reader?
There are a range of different RSS Readers available. Some are built for PCs or Macs, and others are web-based.

Several free newsfeed readers are available including:

NetNewsWire - for the Mac
Feed Demon - for the PC
Google Reader - a web-based free newsfeed reader.

Or see the list provided by Wikipedia

How can I sign up for the "Tom Peters Dispatches Blog" RSS feed ?
A link to the RSS feed is located at the top of this page, where the is located. Follow the instructions for your particular News Reader in order to add this XML feed to your RSS list.

I only want to read about a few of the topics Tom covers. How do I do that?
You can subscribe to feeds by subject matter. Each post Tom or his guests write is labeled by topic category. A list of categories can be found in the left column of the site (Announcements, Blogging, Brand You, etc.). Next to the name of each category, you'll see the letters XML. Click on XML and follow the instructions for your particular News Reader in order to add this XML feed to your RSS list.

Please direct all technical questions to the info (at)

View the original article here

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