Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Eight supportive behavior each coach (and anyone) should use written by: Kevin

Questions of ten people, and opportunities to describe the best coach, saw are seven or more will mention support in any way. Underline and highlight this fact in your personal thinking about coaching.

The best trainers are supported.

To know and accept that one thing ist.Zu know the idea what that means and able to identify and supporting behaviour is something else entirely. and this is the point of this article: identify and explain some specific behaviors that will help you support others.

Eight supportive behaviors

Work. As a leader or supervisor do not everyone's work to be done or work for you. You must, of course, delegate and empower others to do their work.And yet as a leader have a feeling of the Mitverantwortung.Sie itself (and the team needs to see you) as part of the team. While your role may be different, they are still a part of the team. If you see for yourself and others act as part of the team feel supported in their actions. Remember, that delegation is not the same as abdication, and as such must be as people see.

Help/assist. Along this same line help others if we are willing to create yourself. My oldest and best experience with this concept is thanks to my father.Raised on a commercial pig farm meant that there are always some (very) unpleasant jobs logs.these done many occasions, I remember me, given these disgusting jobs while Dad was away, at a meeting or other farm-related companies tend to be. In almost every case, if he returned while I have the unpleasant task, he made changed his clothes and a Pitchfork or shovel collected. Possibly lead a team, the tasks has not directly. If this is the case, you can still support. Find out what you can do to help, especially if the timeline is short and the work is long.

Empathize. To empathize is to understand how the other person feels. One of the most important things you can ever do is let people know that you understand, how you are feeling. May disagree with their perspective, you can even think there actions you might have taken to avoid the situation you find yourself in now (those points for staff can be coaching in due course).But legally empathizing is one of the supportive things you can do for another person or group.

Recognize someone's value. I suspect that your kids always show not behaviors which you approve, but we all will love our children. And think about it, even small children can tell the different between their behavior and their intrinsic value.If you support people who let you know to appreciate you as an individual you Sie.Wenn you have feedback on performance, it is from important to separate performance, who you are. We are supported, if we take care of people and show it (and not only say it that).

Your goals and interests to recognize. People are more than your job on the performance. If you strengthen something about people know interests and long-term objectives, you can often help to support the achievement of these objectives and interests. This is total freedom to do what you want on the job about the people. On the contrary, are other supportive if they help you successfully in your current job - and help you to achieve your personal and professional goals.

Hear. The most supportive things, that you (can do for each) belongs to hear really. This is true even if you're in any position of power (or perceived).Stop what you are doing. Remove the Ablenkungen.Sei still and listen. When you hear show you appreciate your feelings and opinions. When you hear you communicate that you care. This may be so basic, but it is so powerful.Why? Because most people reported that you heard only seldom really are.Still, if someone really actively listen most takes, it is this person who hear our leader or supervisor is a meaningful and memorable Gespräch.Wenn it is even more supportive and powerful.Forget the power of listening, especially if you are in a position of power or with the other person influence.

Give positive feedback.Want to be more solidarity? tell people, more often, what you do well and what you're doing.Almost none know this kind of feedback often hear genug.Fast everyone I know has a story about a specific piece positive feedback received in your life – often in their distant past.Ask people to tell their stories.How powerful you will be able to in your words and your eyes say and supporting specific and real positive feedback can.

Create positive Austausch.Wissen, who enlighten... seem to the room if you leave?This is the chance, I'm talking here! make it your goal every conversation, Exchange and encounter with you the other person in the general sense of good or better about themselves, their situations and/or live lässt.Dass statement a benchmark which is very hard to live up to; but may make it your goal, can be more supporting persons.

If you issue these behaviors in a real authentic you can promote and assist people to the best not sein.Ist goal of coaching anyway?

Executives know that you have effective trainer to succeed his müssen.deshalb many of these leaders from around the world made the remarkable leadership learning system of your choice as a skills at a time, one month at a time approach to more confidence and erfolgreiche leader haben.Warum? da coaching an integral part of the computer.This program system by other members and experts from a variety of fields and backgrounds ? can help everyone to learn are a more effective leader.

By: KevinArticle directory: http://www.articledashboard.comGet, more than $ 748.25 value the leadership development materials including two free months this unique system as part of Kevin Eikenberry?s most remarkable free leadership gift ever, today in the MostRemarkableFreeLeadershipGiftEver.com.Kevin is a best-selling author, speaker, trainer, consultant and the potential Director of Kevin Eikenberry Group (www.KevinEikenberry.com). Supplementary items home | self improvement | leadership

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