Monday, April 4, 2011

Eat Pray Love: Given lessons for nonprofits: Yancey arts

In the motion picture eat pray love, Julia Roberts brings the real-life story of Elizabeth (Liz) on-screen Gilbert, a journalist, for one year journey of self discovery and spiritual enlightenment. After spells that eats strength to stop a Loveless marriage, Liz in Italy, prays in India and learns to love again in Bali.

So, what is available with our mission here Yancey Arts consulting (YAC) to do this uniquely imaginative woman with disposable Income?or Savings?have? Well, we know that the profile of our customers and communities reflects and few organizations themselves have the financial resources to replicate a modest version of their spiritual journey. YAC?s aims organizations help first achieve sustainable practices and then establish a plan for the ?Move beyond Sustainability? with revenue growth strategies. There are lessons that Liz learns that we all our personal lives both can apply for nonprofit organizations, but. We believe that we all active or casually to a quest, balanced and fulfilling life to life. Let?s explore how we can apply to the operational culture and growth of our organizations eat pray love and maybe even.

PLEASURE. Liz discovered the joy of consumption in Rome. Language, architectural history, food, friends were all decadent pastimes. Even exceed the Street??Attraversiamo? ? offers the most intense pleasure. When was the last time you indulged in the pleasure of your work? Because our work is mission-driven, it is an inherent pleasure where, what we do, but sometimes our daily activities hinder our ability to enjoy it. When was the last time you even advanced momentarily to benefit from your work or efforts to indulge before I gave up on the next thing? Without these moments how can we maintain our excitement? We can be sure that our food Doesn?t from non-profit salaries or can come to climb the career ladder. Instead, we work in the nonprofit sector, mainly meeting see work, the other benefits. If we stay connected with the pleasure of our work, the work can in turn, improve the quality of what we deliver is an important component of organizational sustainability.

MEDITATION. While living in an Ashram in India, learns Liz, your mind calm and meditation to gain insight and enlightenment in the process. It took time ? ? and special attention a lot of time. When was the last time you were in a position, the daily grind, about things and to extend how the impact of your work to meditate calm, ways to connect better with your constituency, ways to improve your Office culture and personal appreciation? When was the last time you thought about how you better to engage your board or develop a plan to diversify your income? Whatever it is that you or your company needs were when was the last time you able to focus on clarity and answers?

Of course, we Can?t that all travel to an Ashram at 3: 00 a.m. wake up and meditate in a community of other people enlightenment seeks, but maybe can we devote 10 to 15 minutes or more every day or every other day or once a week for quiet time and intentional contemplation. We can also notice that the answers we find directly to us.

LOVE. Finally, in Bali, Liz recognizes the importance of love. How many times have we heard, ?Do what you love. ? probably one can say that the ultimate in our Life?s travel search is love. Love who we are. Love what we do. Love the difference that we in the world around us around make. Love in our relations. The list can go on and.

This cultivation of love extends to the sustainability of our organizations. If our love targeted components of our work will come, participate and support our activities. Love our donors, sponsors and supporters of our work continue to be our programs to fund the capacity and the General operations. If our employees love what you do and where you work, you will exceed performance expectations. There are a lot of leverage in love.

So, you have It?Eat Pray Love lessons for nonprofits. We are sure that you have more for these analogies. Have you ever taken a journey of self discovery like Liz? If so, what did you learn? What do you love most about the work you do? How are you personal life and work life in able to compensate you for? What would you recommend potential possibilities as a realistic some which can apply these principles? And most importantly, have large Italian recipes that You?d like to share? Food is something that the we all pleasure in, can find about meditate and absolutely love!

We?d love to hear from you!

YAC ~ be transformative while to keep it simple.

By: Yancey Arts Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.comYancey Arts Consulting's goal is to help organizations first sustainable revenue growth strategies to achieve sustainable practices and the establishment of a plan to move beyond. Your site is at

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