Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Book Review - Know-How by Dr. Ram Charan

February 19, 2007 1:30 pm - Book Review - Know-How by Dr. Ram Charan


Know-How is the latest book by Ram Charan, and just like his prior works this is another must-read.

It must say something very powerful to the business manager contemplating reading this book when he or she realizes that this book is being hailed by CEO?s all across the United States.

For more, read our Full Book Review.

February 21, 2007 8:16 pm - Book Review - Simple Solutions

Simple Solutions

Simple Solutions is a great road map for leaders of all organizations. This book provides clear, concise and straightforward guidelines for leadership.

Great leadership, as revealed in this new book written by Tom Schmitt and Arnold Perl, is practical and highly inspirational as it combines leadership skills with creativity and personality.

The authors believe firmly that simplicity is the fundamental foundation of effective management.

It is such an important concept in leadership that they devote the first chapter to that subject alone.

To learn more, read the full book review on Simple Solutions.

February 24, 2007 5:15 pm - February 2007 Edition of Newsletter has arrived!

Volume V - February, 2007 Issue


Site News Updates - and What's Coming Soon
Lessons-in-Leadership Leadership Development ? Nature vs. Nurture
Meeting for Results Planning for Personal Development
Reader Meter

Here is a brief sample of Leadership-Tools Monthly News perks! You'll gain fresh in-sights on how to:

Shorten and improve meetings for increased results.
Add fun and creativity to your meetings.
Promote team work among your workforce and within your peer group.
Increase employee job satisfaction and reduce turnover.
Lead a healthier and more productive workplace.
Impress and motivate your team members.
Gain added credibility and respect as a leader of people, not just a manager of tasks.
Maintain focus on quality results for increased revenue.
Lead your team in GROWING THE BUSINESS.

So don't miss out - Subscribe Today! It's FREE!

February 25, 2007 7:52 pm - Book Review - What Got You Here, Won't Get You There

What Got You Here, Won?t Get You There

What Got You Here, Won?t Get You There is dedicated to all successful leaders who want to ?take it to the next level? and get even better.
Whether you are near the top of the ladder or still have a ways to climb, this book serves as an essential guide to help you eliminate your dysfunctions and move to where you want to go.

First, Goldsmith takes us on a personal journey through self-assessment with chapters titled: You Are Here, Enough About You, and The Success Delusion, or Why We Resist Change.

Next, he masterfully walks the reader through the twenty-one habits that hold you back from making it to the top.
What Got You Here Won't Get You There is unique in that the author not only explains what we must do better, more of, and improve upoon - but he also explains the importance of consciously NOT doing certain things, which get in the way of our success.

Some of these "?not to do?s" include: Winning too much; Adding too much value; Passing Judgment; Making destructive comments; Starting with "No", "But", or "However"; Telling the world how smart we are; Speaking when angry; Withholding information; Making Excuses, Not Listening; Refusing to express reqret, and Exhibiting an excessive need to be "me" - and several more.

To learn more, read the Full Book Review.

View the original article here

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